Executive Summary

Our wealth management process is based on a commitment both to provide superior wealth management services and to improve the quality of life for everyone associated with the firm—clients, financial professionals, and staff. Our approach to the marketplace is, “Earning the Privilege to Be Your Trusted Financial Professional.”

We are a team of professionals dedicated to the following:

Earn - To receive as return for effort and work done or for services rendered.
This means that we commit to the work required to ensure that our clients receive high-quality guidance for their current and future financial situation. We accomplish this through a comprehensive financial planning process, delivered by a competent team of impartial financial professionals. We focus on developing long-term relationships, based on an interdependent philosophy. We strive to continue to earn our clients' trust.

Privilege - A right granted as a benefit, advantage, or favor.
Given the numerous financial options consumers have and the prevalence of “overpromise/underdeliver” service companies, we understand what a privilege it is to assist you with your financial affairs. We are committed to providing client relationship management systems that exceed expectations in terms of financial guidance and service and that assist clients with non-financial/quality-of-life issues. These services are geared to anticipate the concerns, interests, and lifestyle changes of our clientele by providing education, guidance, and direction. We remember that it is a privilege to be your trusted financial professional.

Trust - Assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone.
Integrity and professionalism are the cornerstones of a trusted relationship. This trust is developed and fostered by keeping our clients' interests first and last. A commitment to learning for all associates ensures that this trust is cultivated through an educated team. We will adhere to the principles of a trusted relationship.

Consultant - One who provides recommendations regarding a decision or course of conduct.
As a financial professional and consultant, we provide value-added guidance and expertise. This guidance is supported by a comprehensive planning process, knowledgeable financial professionals, and a team approach. We establish formal and informal wealth advisory councils with associated professionals throughout the wealth management process. Because we are independent financial professionals, we are better able to provide you with solutions appropriate for you without pressure to promote a particular company or product.

Our firm's growth is fueled from two sources. First, introductions to new clients come from existing clients and other professionals as a natural business process. Second, we actively seek professionals with a similar philosophy who wish to continue their growth and development and who desire to establish a long-term business continuation/succession process for their practice. Given the comprehensive nature of the services we provide and the varied backgrounds of our associates and clients, we believe that much can be gained from this synergistic approach.

Our services are based on the following methods:

  • Accumulation. Together with our clients, we set goals and objectives, and we develop strategies and implement tactics that strive to pursue wealth building or asset accumulation. We review your existing financial situation and make decisions as to the short- and long-term appropriateness of your current holdings. A comprehensive financial plan sets the foundation for developing financial habits that lead to success.
  • Protection and Preservation of Assets. This requires strategies that provide diversification of financial products. We implement and monitor asset allocation strategies using model portfolios. Risk management products and techniques that minimize taxes are key components of this stage as well.
  • Implementation. This phase of wealth management focuses on pursuing your stated goals by putting your financial plan into action. Using assets to meet financial goals—whether lump sum or income streams—should be preplanned in the most efficient and effective manner. Specific assets used and tax strategies implemented should be timed.
  • Transfer. Both philosophical and financial issues need to be addressed. To whom and how wealth is transferred is equally as important as tax minimization and investment management techniques. A team approach, with competent professionals, best assures the most cost-effective transfer of wealth.

We realize that wealth alone does not ensure happiness. Given the rare opportunity we have to touch so many lives, we are uniquely positioned to cultivate and nurture long-term relationships that strive to improve the quality of life for all involved. “Earning the Privilege to Be Your Trusted Financial Professional” means so much more than being a financial consultant. And we look forward to delivering on this mission.
